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Unibail Rodamco Westfield & Cirque du Soleil partnershiP

Boosting the malls brand image & value to financial analysts 


How to get media attention and financial analyst positive evaluation on Unibail mall transformation in 2010 ? 


Create an innovative first time ever partnership with Cirque du Soleil :
France - The Netherlands - Spain


135 publications in the economic, financial and consumer press in Europe , published in the annual report and largely promoted in the financial roadshows

Klepierre & Nickelodeon
Boosting traffic in malls 2014-2019


How to boost traffic in malls during the school vacation time ? 


Propose a parade with Nickelodeon characters in over 30 malls in France, Spain, Portugal for 5 years since 2014 thanks to an exclusive partnership with Nickeoldeon.


Huge boost of traffic, engagement, mall preference and increased sales on licensed products 


Launching digital media advertising in France 


A  revolutionary technology occurs in 2010: DOOH boosting the advertising possibilities of this media while decreasing drastically production costs


Launching a tender among major billboard advertising media companies to transform radically In-mall advertising at Unibail Rodamco with 100% digital media (500 faces) in 15 Malls in France


A huge success resulting in  focussing the growth strategy of the company on Retail Media in 2022  as announced to share- holders

Prehistoric Times:
before 2010 ...

Prior to the Retailtainment Company, from 2003 to 2010, our group developed a vision that brand communication could be developed outside of traditional media spaces : this was the beginning of brand content.


These cases were developed in a department of DDB Paris agency (Omnicom) called DDB Entertainment.

L’Artisanat: “un metier un jour” webseries with Omar & Fred
DDB Entertainment, 2006


How to promote manual trades of craftsmen to the young who are not considering these jobs whereas there are a lot of professional opportunities for them ? 


Create a series of short fun videos on internet presenting 17 different job trades (gardener, couture, chef, surfboard designer…) with Omar & Fred well known comedians, to appeal to a young target audience. Combining a radio teaser on NRJ radio station to drive audience to the National Craftsmanship website


Huge PR generated by the operation.

A 30% increase of trafic on the website with 3 minutes average time spent on the website.

audi: "take me for a ride" with beatrice ardisson
DDB Entertainment, 2007


How to appeal to a female audience while Audi is mainly a brand for men ? 


Creating an original music album with Beatrice Ardisson famous in France for making the soundtracks of Paris Derniere night show. 40 minutes of covers of the most famous songs inspired by the pleasure of driving and the night life.

Displaying this music & video content with a partnership with Elle Magazine, issuing 180000 original copies of the CD/DVD.


Huge PR for Audi who could also use the partnership with Beatrice Ardisson in Val d’Isere ice circuit event, in car dealerships and at the Audi Awards Ceremony

casino: "la prochaine fois c'est chez moi" on tf1
DDB Entertainment, 2008


How to create brand preference to shop at Casino stores when advertising on TV was forbidden in France for major food retailers ?


Creating a short TV program every evening on prime time TV before the news break, based on the brand promise of proximity, sponsored by Casino


350 TV programs aired daily during 3 years, major increase in top of mind awareness, dedicated website with recipe. 

wrigley airwaves: "chlorophyllo"
DDB Entertainment, 2009


How to make the launch of chlorophylle new flavour notices for Wrigley Airwaves launch in France?


Creating a game on line with a green Mexican catcher


A bronze Lion in Cannes and great PR for the launch of the flavour

comite tourisme paris ile-de-france: "kisses from paris"
DDB Entertainment, 2010


How to make Paris appeal to young adults who prefer to travel to Berlin or Barcelona, who seem to be more “hapening cities” ?


Creating a short feature film about Paris with famous director Ivan Attal broadcasted on the internet.


Great PR about the film in Europe and increased visit on Paris tourism website

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